Вот попалась в плейлисте песенка 98 года. Спустя...

  • Вот попалась в плейлисте песенка 98 года. Спустя 18 лет текст играет новыми красками.
    Hey you monster movie fans
    Don't waste time you gotta chance
    Buy a one way ticket to Ukraine
    See the show of your dreams
    Hear the perfect blend of screams
    Watch the people dying night and day
    A lot of crimes, a lot of crying in the show
    You sure will find yourself
    Standing struck with awe
    It's thrilling, It's killing, It's brilliant
    Monsters are go go go
    Believe me this is real ball
    It's Ukrainian horror show
    Crowds of zombies on the street
    Cannibals in lust for meat
    Eating silly zombies one by one
    There are vampires on the hill
    They're longing for some blood from me
    And there is really no place to run
    Performance proved to be a cruelty
    And I've been told this movie is reality