У нас в НИИ есть маленькая внутрення соцсеть....

  • 🏷️ #ilyadrv
    У нас в НИИ есть маленькая внутрення соцсеть. А в ней есть жанр немного похожий на нашу доску почета - staff portrait. И вот он я там )))
    Illia is a developer in the ITDM group and has been working with us for five years.
    What is your home country?
    It’s difficult. I was born in the USSR, then found myself in Ukraine and now my home is in Hamburg. Home country? No, I don’t have that.
    Not being able to fish, gather mushrooms, stay in a tent or make a fire is typically German! 😊
    My favorite place on Earth (in the universe) is the future. I believe this is a valid answer because here at XFEL we all know that time is a space dimension. Here we are all working hard to contribute to that brave bright tomorrow. Seeing how lots of people all over the world...
    У нас в НИИ есть маленькая внутрення соцсеть. А в ней есть жанр немного похожий на нашу доску почета - staff portrait. И вот он я там )))
    Illia is a developer in the ITDM group and has been working with us for five years.
    What is your home country?
    It’s difficult. I was born in the USSR, then found myself in Ukraine and now my home is in Hamburg. Home country? No, I don’t have that.
    Not being able to fish, gather mushrooms, stay in a tent or make a fire is typically German! 😊
    My favorite place on Earth (in the universe) is the future. I believe this is a valid answer because here at XFEL we all know that time is a space dimension. Here we are all working hard to contribute to that brave bright tomorrow. Seeing how lots of people all over the world doing their best I have no doubts the future will be the best place in the universe.
    The best thing about European XFEL is that it is at the forefront. At the forefront of science and technology. And this high level of production in its turn sets up the high level of relations we have here: international collaboration, self-realization opportunities, high motivation. When talking to friends I mention XFEL as a prototype of future facilities. Not only in the science field but in any other.
    The best thing about my job is… working in IT is the best job ever! We are doing black magic on a daily basis (and getting paid for it). And then we document and resource-plan it. It’s like making magic out of real life and making real life out of magic. Perfect contrast every single day.
    When I am not at work, I enjoy… Well. There is a long list. Traveling is the first to mention. I think it is already 50+ countries I’ve been to but the ToDo-list is still huge. Colleagues can see a world map on my wall as the background for Zoom meetings. It’s not decoration but a tool :) .
    In between I spare some time for skiing, horse riding, swimming, skating. Sailing is going to be added to the list. During these activities I like reading / listening to books. Many of them are non-fiction. Here I also have a huge ToDo-list. Reading classical German philosophers in original is on the top of it. So still have to do some German workout. Finally, while living in Ukraine I was engaged in the left-wing political movement. So I am still trying to find some time to contribute there. Quite a lot of activities? Yes. Sometimes I skip a dinner… And on top of it I have a nice beautiful 9 year-old daughter who wants to be involved in all the activities. Ah! I also have cats who need a sit-together session each day.
    I would love to be able to invent…There are so many things already invented but too few are implemented. It would be really great if I would have a chance to spare some time on implementing the better world to live in.
    What is your work situation during COVID-19?
    My cat Sheldon really loves the fact I’m in home office. But most of all he appreciates Zoom meetings. Even though you rarely see him, he is just half a meter next to the camera at 90% of calls. Sometimes I remember about a meeting just because he comes to join.