To my English speaking friends. Now the whole...

  • To my English speaking friends.
    Now the whole world is concerned with the situation in Ukraine. Lots of people coming up with a lot of great initiatives for help and support. These people are saving lives and this is a great thing to do.
    But there is one kind of help which brings opposite - it is a military help.
    The Ukrainian government is not at all a white dove of peace but a militaristic monster. It was like this since 2013. Yes, Russia attacked Ukraine now. It's clear. But giving the Ukrainian government military help like weapons and troops is feeding the small monster to grow it big. This is what the EU and USA are doing until now. This monster will grow fast and will involve the EU and NATO in this war up to nuclear strikes and further. And this must be stopped now.
    The Ukrainian government...
    To my English speaking friends.
    Now the whole world is concerned with the situation in Ukraine. Lots of people coming up with a lot of great initiatives for help and support. These people are saving lives and this is a great thing to do.
    But there is one kind of help which brings opposite - it is a military help.
    The Ukrainian government is not at all a white dove of peace but a militaristic monster. It was like this since 2013. Yes, Russia attacked Ukraine now. It's clear. But giving the Ukrainian government military help like weapons and troops is feeding the small monster to grow it big. This is what the EU and USA are doing until now. This monster will grow fast and will involve the EU and NATO in this war up to nuclear strikes and further. And this must be stopped now.
    The Ukrainian government is using European weapons and Ukrainian blood to stay in power and nothing more. This should be clear to all western countries - the more military help Ukraine will receive, the more people will die.
    EU has a powerful influence on the Ukrainian president. EU must force Zekenskiy to take all opportunities for negotiations and take them seriously - not playing a clown. Zelenskiy must show EU real constructive steps in the direction of peace. The time scale for it is hours.
    Я заранее знаю сколько хейта прилетит сейчас сюда. Я не в духе сегодня и буду банить без разбору, даже если мне просто покажется что-то. Хотите повоевать, хотите побольше джевелинов - давайте со своего дивана. Мне тут таких не надо.