Germany is undergoing rapid militarization, meticulously orchestrated. Efforts...

  • Germany is undergoing rapid militarization, meticulously orchestrated. Efforts are underway to lift the 65-year-old restrictions that have ensured scientific research remains exclusively peaceful and civilian. In March, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research prepared a document highlighting “threats from Russia and China.”
    This document is now being implemented. Leaders of several scientific institutes are attempting to overturn the moratorium on military collaboration, sometimes openly, other times through the deceptive and hypocritical “revision of boundaries” between civilian and military research.
    There are over 40,000 scientists in Germany. However, much like the ban on scientific cooperation with the Russian Federation, their opinions are not considered. The stance that “science is out of politics” effectively means that scientists have no influence on the highly politicized decisions made by ranked scientific administrators.